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Dear Families! We are excited to let you know that this year we'll be using ParentSquare to communicate with you at the school, and in your classrooms and groups. ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school to connect. With ParentSquare you'll be able to

  • Receive all school and classroom communications via email, text or app
  • View and download photos
  • View the school and classroom calendar and RSVP for events
  • Easily sign up to volunteer and/or bring in items




Overview Videos

ParentSquare FAQs

  • If you have received a post asking you to fill out a form, the form should be at the bottom of the post in website view and as a small icon at the bottom right corner of the post for app users. If you can't find the post, the form is also located to the right under Forms/Permissions in the website view in ParentSquare or under the more option in the app also under Forms/Permissions heading.

    Note: You must be registered with ParentSquare to fill out the form.

  • ParentSquare syncs with our Student Information System. This is the information you provide during registration and when you update registration. If you need to update your contact information, please reach out to your child(s)' school.

  • NO! Parents cannot see the contact information for other parents.

  • It is likely that you have two separate accounts: a parent account with a personal email and a staff account with your school email. You may combine your accounts together if you wish. Use the help feature to find more about how to merge accounts.

  • ParentSquare allows you to customize your notification and language settings. 


    Users can fine-tune their notification settings for both school and notification type. For General Announcements, you can select Digest, Instant, or choose to turn off notifications altogether (excluding emergency alerts and notices) for email, text, and app notifications.

    These settings allow a secondary parent/guardian contact to turn off all notification except for emergency alerts.

    ParentSquare allows users to customize their notifications settings. This means you can note whether you want, an email, text or app notificationl.  The Instant setting will send all post notifications in real-time. The Digest setting sends direct messages, alerts, and time-sensitive posts instantly, but sends all non-time sensitive posts at the end of the day, reducing the number of notifications you receive daily. For more information on Notification Settings and how to change them please check out the video(s) below.

    Language Settings:

    ParentSquare allows you to change your language setting if users would like to get posts in a different language. 

    Using a Website Browser

    1.) From Home, click the down arrow next to your name, in the upper right.

    2.) Select My Account.

    Go to the LANGUAGE SETTING section and select your preferred language.

    Using the Mobile App

    1.)From Home Tap the triple bars in the upper right.

    2). Select Accout Preferences then select Language.

  • This happens when the email address listed in our Student Information System is not the same for all your children. Please make sure you update your registration information so that your email address is the same for all of your children.