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Director of Elementary Education, Jolinda Seiple,

Director of Secondary Education, College and Career, Gary Kandel,

Executive Assistant, Tamara Clark,, 330-580-3564

College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus (CCP) is Ohio’s dual enrollment program which provides an opportunity for students who are college-ready to earn transcripted college credit while in grades 7-12. CCP classes are sometimes taught on the McKinley High School campus by adjunct faculty; however, some students choose to take classes on a college campus. All admissions standards, grading policies, textbooks, deadlines, and regulations for taking a CCP course are governed by individual university policies. Students earn high school credit as well as college credit for the successful completion of the CCP course.

Parents with questions should reach out to their building counselor or Gary Kandel at the Canton City Schools Administration office. Ph: 330.438.2500

Stark State

Walsh University