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School Bus Stops

School Bus Stops

(A) Designation of school bus stops.

It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent or desginee to determine the location of all school bus stops which shall be approved annually by the districts Board of Education. Authority to relocate or desiginate subsequent schoo lbus stops may be delegated by the Board of Education to the Superintendent ro designee.

(B) School bus stop locaton.

  • Pupils in grades kindergarten through eight may be required to walk up to on-half mile to a designated bus stop.
  • School bus stops shall provide for the maximum safety of pupils giving consideration to distance from residence, traffic volume, physical characteristics, visibility, and weather conditions.
  • School bus stops shall be established on the residence side of all four-lane highways and on the residence side of the other roadways posting potential hazards to studetns as determined by school bus owners.
  • School bus stops shall be located ata distance from a crest of a hill or curve to allow motorists traveling at the posted speed to stop within site distance If the line of sight is less than 500 feet in either direction, an approved “school bus stop ahead” sign shall be installed at least 500 feet in advance of the school bus stop.
  • Each pupil sall be assigneda residence side designated “place of safety” Drivrer must account for eahc pupil in each designated place of saftey before leaving. Pupils “are not to proceed o their residence” until the school bus has departed.
  • Each bus shall have a detailed route sheet on board which shall include:
    • direction to designated stops
    • time schedule
    • designated stop
    • driver designated place of safety
    • number of people at stop location and residence side
    • list identifying road hazards
  • When applicable each route shall have a responsible student assigned to assist a subsitute bus driver with the route.