Our goal is to incorporate technology into instruction with a focus on personalized learning. We want to teach our students how to use technology and become a self-directed learner. We support our Mission, Vision, and Values by incorporating the latest technology tools and opportunties for our student and staff.
In order to provide you with top-notch service, our department has three components: Technology Support and Repair; Network Management; and Technology Integration. Each group works together to provide an umbrella of support and learning throughout the district.
Heather Heater, Executive Director of Technology and Public Information
Technology Repair Hotline 330-580-3030
Anne Pulka, Technology Secretary, 330-430-4208
Leigh Ann Miller, Technology Coordinator, miller_l4@ccsdistrict.org
Carolyn Lindesmith, Technology Integration Specialist, lindesmith_c@ccsdistrict.org
Aaron Hartzler, Technology Integration Specialist, hartzler_a@ccsdistrict.org